Каждый год из нашей страны за границу уезжает множество специалистов, которым было предложено получить хорошую должность в крупной иностранной компании. Если Вы видите свое будущее именно там, то Вам необходимо позаботиться о правильном резюме. Резюме для западной компании имеет ряд отличий и особенностей от нашей страны. Например, в американском, для того, чтобы работодатель Вас не дискредитировал, принято как можно меньше указывать своих личных данных. Основным фактором для каждого государства является язык резюме, а так же особенности лингвистики. В любом случае рекомендуется воспользоваться специалистами, которые помогут Вам составить резюме на иностранном языке и учтут все эти особенности. В мировой сети «Интернет», особенно на сайтах о работе за границей, Вы можете посмотреть примеры резюме людей, которые либо уже нашли работы, либо еще в поиске.
Структура правильного резюме на английском языке:
- Personal Information (Ваши персональные данные),
- Objective (цель резюме),
- Qualifications Summary (краткое описние вашего опыта),
- Education (образование),
- Professional Certifications (профессиональные достижения и сертификаты),
- Work Experience (рабочий опыт),
- Employment During School (занятость в процессе обучения),
- Publications (Ваши публикации, если таковы имеются),
- References (рекомендации).
Нюансы составления резюме для работы за рубежом
Для того, чтобы правильно составить резюме, необходимо внимательно просматривать и перепроверять каждый пункт и смысл информации, которую Вы хотите передать будущему работодателю. Рекомендуется использовать образцы резюме людей уже получивших должность в иностранной компании. Пользуйтесь всеми возможными связями и знаниями опытных людей в данной сфере. Не придумывайте что-то новое, так как работодатель может попросту Вас не понять.
При использовании фотографии требуется соблюсти все правила этикета компании и страны в целом. Здесь так же можно просмотреть примеры готовых резюме ваших конкурентов на различных сайтах о работе. Сегодня практически у каждой крупной компании имеет свой интернет ресурс, на котором может располагаться стандартный образец резюме для заполнения. Если Вы знаете, кем хотите быть в компании, то всю информацию, изложенную в резюме, необходимо сосредоточить именно в этом направлении. Работодатель, рассматривая Вас, будет точно понимать, кто Вы и на какую именно должность претендуете. Не стоит забывать о сопроводительном письме, в котором можно описать общую информацию о Вашей заинтересованности в работе и обо всех Ваших преимуществах. При наличии точной информации об имени человека, который будет рассматривать Вашу кандидатуру, рекомендуется в сопроводительном письме обращаться именно к нему.
Аккуратное оформление резюме в 50 процентах является залогом успеха получения должности. Все Ваши данные должны быть плотно укомплектованы на одну страницу, при этом максимум информации в минимальном количестве слов. Не следует заниматься опять же самостоятельностью, и использовать, например необычные шрифты. Размер шрифта должен соответствовать стандартному образцу резюме той или иной компании, в которую Вы хотите устроиться на работу. Соблюдайте правильность размещения абзацев и размера полей. Как уже было сказано ранее, не забывайте про язык резюме, так как это является основой для положительного решения в Вашем случае. Сохранение и отправка документа, производится в требуемом компанией формате. Все эти правила точно так же качаются и сопроводительного письма.
Пример резюме по компетенциям (Skill based CV) выпускника университета
14, Wychurch Road, Canterbury, Kent. CT2 7SJ.
Tel. 01227 — 764521 email ab999@kent.ac.uk
Nationality: British Female
Personal Statement
A graduate with strong communication and organisational skills gained in nursing, now seeking to move into HR as a trainee manager.
▪ As Ward Sister it was important to be able to communicate with a variety of staff ranging from cleaners to consultants
▪ Working with patients and their relatives requires the ability to communicate complex medical information and to handle difficult situations with tact and sensitivity
▪ Presented my degree project on «The Impact of the Corn Laws in Kent» as a Powerpoint presentation at a History Society seminar as well as in writing.
▪ As Ward Sister managed a team of nursing and support staff, which included organising staff rotas and prioritising tasks. Also managed patient admissions, liaising with staff in other departments and other hospitals
▪ As Secretary of History Society responsible for booking speakers and promoting events
▪ My degree project required work to a tight deadline, researching in local archives and managing a database
▪ Bringing up two children while working and studying has required flexibility and the patience of a saint!
▪ Worked as part of a team on a busy ward, sometimes under great pressure. Here flexibility and initiative were essential
▪ The Psychology module of my Access course involved a group project where I worked with three other students investigating the effect of returning to work on women’s self-esteem. Responsible for co-ordinating interviews and qualitative analysis of interview transcripts. Our project was awarded the highest grade of any in that year
▪ As an office temp it was necessary to fit into a team immediately and to pick up information quickly.
▪ As Ward Sister was responsible for the training and induction of new nursing and support staff;
▪ Helped children improve their maths and reading as a volunteer classroom assistant at my children’s primary school
▪ Good knowledge of MS Word, Access and PowerPoint
▪ Designed a web page to support our village heritage project
Пример традиционного резюме для студента (летняя подработка)
James Aloysius Bond
47c Moonraker Road, Canterbury, CT3 8PQ
Telephone Number: 07766634669 email: 007@MI5.org.uk
I am looking for a retail or similar job over the summer vacation in Canterbury. I am available for work any time after the 30th May until the 20th September.
I have shown myself to be self-motivated, committed and determined in achieving my goals, come what may. I have also demonstrated negotiating and organising skills, a sense of responsibility and my capacity to work hard under pressure. I am able to relate to a wide range of people, as proven by my varied work experiences. All my jobs in retail required using computerised till systems and working accurately.
A clear, well written objective or personal profile can help to stand out from the crowd. Avoid hackneyed phrases such as «I have good communication skills and work well in a team»! Being prepared to work hard and do almost any task are key attributes for casual jobs.
Work Experience
Saturdays Dec 2013 — April 2014 Sales Adviser, Fenwick’s, Canterbury
Duties involved customer assistance and advice, stock taking, ordering of relevant stock from warehouse and its unloading, arranging stock, arranging and displaying sales items, till operating (handling cash and till floats, plus ordering change), arranging special orders and deliveries, as well as answering telephone enquiries.
I was also responsible for my own particular sections of the department and had to ensure they met with the approval of my managers.
June 2013 — Sept 2013 SE Railways, Customer Service Assistant, Chelmsford
Developed my customer service skills so that the public felt at ease when asking for assistance with their travel arrangements. Maintained my calm demeanor and positive outlook, even when dealing with angry passengers from delayed trains or cancellations.
July 2012 — Sept. 2012 Moneypenny Restaurants, Chelmsford, Essex.
Duties involved meeting and greeting of customers, plus dealing with their enquiries, maintaining welfare and hygiene, and ordering stock. Also taking telephone bookings and orders.
There was a strong emphasis on health and safety, customer care and satisfaction. I learnt about working both on my own and with others, working calmly under pressure, and greatly improved my communication skills. I had to use my initiative and be able to handle stressful situations.
I also sometimes had the responsibility of closing the restaurant and cashing up at the end of the day.
Other jobs have also included: housekeeping as part of Kent Hospitality and temping work in a fruit factory.
Пример структуры резюме на английском выпусника университета
Marie Curie
22 Temple Road, Folkestone, Kent CT17 3YU
Email: mc888@kent.ac.uk Mobile: 0339005678 Tel: 0167534768
To enter a graduate training programme in science or engineering, preferably in the defence sector where my creative initiative, ideas and a genuine enthusiasm would allow me to progress.
I am a recent graduate who combined studies with working and other commitments. In achieving this, I have shown myself to be self-motivated, committed and determined in achieving my goals, come what may. I have also demonstrated negotiating and organising skills, a firm sense of responsibility and my capacity to work hard under pressure. I possess excellent verbal and written communication skills and am able to relate to a wide range of people, as proven by my varied work experiences: in retail, catering, hospitality work and teaching
A large font size for the name makes it stand out and easier to find in a pile of CVs
Use a sensible email address. Something like RavingLoony@hotmilk.com may not make the best impression!
A profile or career objective isn’t essential as much of this information would be included in a covering letter. It can be a useful summary particularly if you are sending your CV to recruitment agencies where a letter may become detached. You can also call this a career aim, profile or personal statement.
BSc. (Hons.) Physics with Space Science and Systems
1st Year subjects
▪ Astrophysics & space science 71%
▪ Atomic & nuclear physics 63%
▪ Physics problem solving 80%
▪ Mathematical techniques & differential equations 66%
▪ Medical physics 61%
▪ Optics & maxwell equations 63%
2nd Year
▪ Quantum mechanics 71%
▪ Electro-magnetism & lasers 67%
▪ The multi-wavelength universe & exoplanets 53%
▪ Spacecraft design & operations 75%
▪ Multimedia for astronomy 58%
▪ Solid state physics 59%
▪ Relativity 72%
3rd Year
▪ Thermal & statistical physics
▪ Image processing (using MATLAB)
▪ Stars, galaxies & the Universe
▪ Space astronomy & solar system science
▪ Atomic & nuclear physics
▪ Elementary particles, wave mechanics & quantum physics
Practical skills gained during my degree
Lab work was part of each year’s modules and gave me the experience of work with others in my degree group, learning hands on in many cases, the properties of metal, magnetic fields, electric fields and the electromagnetic spectrum, most notably light. I learned how to carry out experiments with accuracy, analyse the results and draw conclusions.
I learnt new mathematical techniques in order to solve real-world physical problems, e.g. calculus in order to solve quantum mechanical, thermal and statistical problems.
The use of tables to list modules looks smart, suggests an organised person, and makes the CV easier to read. You can add your module marks here if they are good!
Modules and practical skills are listed as every science course is slightly different.
If you were going for a non-science job (e.g. banking, you could leave these out.
Final year individual project
Hypervelocity meteor impacts and their effects on Earth. This utilised independent research skills, reading demanding texts, computer programming, problem solving and math skills. Setting objectives and deadlines was necessary due to time constraints. My project findings were defended during a presentation in a research conference style talk. Some of our findings were deemed appropriate for publication in an academic paper.
Final year group project
I was the team leader with four colleagues. We hosted a discussion at the University of Kent for A-level students and teachers to give their views on ideas for refreshing physics. This required a 30 minute presentation of complex information in a clear and concise manner. This gave me valuable experience in group presentation techniques, and to manage my time effectively. I learnt to work as part of a team, communicate ideas and difficult concepts effectively, write a report and to work to deadlines.
I achieved over 70% in both of these projects.
2003-2010 Folkestone High School
A-levels: Physics A, Chemistry C, Mathematics C
GCSEs: 8 including Maths and English at grades A to C
July 2012 — Dining Hall Assistant in Darwin College, University of Kent
Duties involved meeting and greeting of guests, plus dealing with any of their enquiries.
Summer 2011 Next Retail (Sales Assistant)
The job entailed working in the busy sale, taking deliveries, stock control and dealing with customers with high quality customer care.
July 2010-September 2010 Tesco (Shop Assistant)
Duties involved taking orders and providing courteous and prompt customer service. I built a strong positive relationship with customers and staff. This has been excellent in helping me to work as part of a team, as well as dealing with pressure during busy periods.
September 2008-February 2010 Sales Adviser in the Cookware Department, BHS.
Duties involved stock taking, ordering of relevant stock from warehouse, arranging stock, displaying sales items, customer assistance and advice, arranging special orders and deliveries, as well as answering telephone enquiries. I was also responsible for my own particular sections of the department and had to ensure they met with the approval of my department store managers.
Other jobs have also included: waiter and assisting in teaching infants at a Primary School.
Fonts are largely down to personal preference, but choose something clear and easy to read. My own preference is for the «Sans» fonts. Lucida Sans or Verdana in 10 points for the body text is a good choice (don’t use Comic Sans!). This CV is set in Verdana. Subheadings such as Education and Work Experience can be slightly larger: say 12 or 14 points.
Although these are not science jobs, transferable skills are mentioned here. For example, people skills, teamworking skills, communication skills — all valuable evidence that you could employ these in a science setting. This is a good place to use Action Verbs
If you have done a lot of jobs, you can summarise the more routine jobs, rather than filling your CV with lots of irrelevant information.
All of my work experiences have involved working within a team-based culture. This involved planning, organisation, co-ordination and commitment e.g., in retail, this ensured daily sales targets were met, a fair distribution of tasks and effective communication amongst all staff members.
I have successfully undertaken various team projects within both academic and non-academic environments.
I was a member of the editorial team for a school science newspaper. As a sales adviser at BHS, I had to demonstrate knowledge of the different types of items sold and their uses, to be able to respond effectively to customer queries. My degree course greatly enhanced my written and verbal communication skills due to the many presentations, essays and projects required.
Problem solving
I scored 94% in the final examination for the Problem Solving Module. This involved the solving of complex problems and required mathematical analysis and evaluation plus the application of knowledge.
Computer skills
Computing Skills I have a high degree of computer literacy with excellent skills using Microsoft Office, particularly Excel and Access. I have done a basic Fortran 90 programming course in my first year and also learned to use AIP4WIN, and MATLAB during my course. I also build and upgrade my own computers.
▪ I took part in a scheme to build and fly an amateur rocket in the National Amateur Rocket Association’s competition. I was head of the aerodynamics section of this project.
▪ Army Cadet Force. I particularly enjoyed this role and learnt a lot about myself and the important things in life. I used my analytical problem solving skills in practical situations under extreme pressure. I learnt about self discipline, integrity, drive and determination, and the ability to persevere under pressure.
▪ I play the guitar in a band currently performing in the local area. This hobby requires a great amount of planning, teamwork and determination. This culminated in our winning Battle of the Bands.
▪ I enjoy playing paint ball which requires coordination, planning and communication skills.
Dr. William Bragg
School of Physical Sciences
University of Kent
Kent CT2 7NJ
Debbie Hackett, Manager
High Street
Folkestone CT17 5RU
Примеры он-лайн резюме